Qualifier Week

Don't forget to join the 'Quaver Official Tournament' Discord server to get the latest news/updates!
Round information
Bring on your A-game over 8 maps custom made for this tournament covering every skill set required of a worthy 4K Quaver Champion. Players MUST correctly complete Qualifier Runs by the end of April 23rd.
April 17 Monday
Lobby MON-00:00

In your local time:
2023-04-17 00:00:00

Referee: mikeneko asmr
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
iEatCheeks Shahgg kip Firdausisss JustZel
elcocsis324 mrDengar CinnaRizu PatoCheto Bagelseeker
- - - - -
April 20 Thursday
Lobby THU-18:00

In your local time:
2023-04-20 18:00:00

Referee: kissu8
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
chaoticspree AHGames22 LargeWillyMan Trickie Derper24
Puta Lash3591 HeroBD HomurAkemi Luigi1
mediumkek Vasu Davi Boii505 rseriouss Jdrii
April 22 Saturday
Lobby SAT-00:00

In your local time:
2023-04-22 00:00:00

Referee: CatsRc00ll
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
DrakeOfficial Hextashard Rider Lol OtakuQlero KissenClown
NoBitches MrCripple iownyourdog N1ghtShade RBRhythm
squidoodlyy kooper is uwu CringeEthan MuiMizu -
Lobby SAT-00:20

In your local time:
2023-04-22 00:20:00

Referee: Kinomoto Sakura
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
selling femboys jjbros811 Croffyn SspaceX chikenman
FrostyEiko HyperNov4 InHuman bbbprooooo brendenrober
Blxssed Yoshiredquelol - - -
Lobby SAT-01:00

In your local time:
2023-04-22 01:00:00

Referee: arpia97
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
Tempy ImEeriee Zenith007 Otbgoat 656owen12
Zycrxd Bocchishy warhehd - -
- - - - -
Lobby SAT-01:20

In your local time:
2023-04-22 01:20:00

Referee: Reihynn
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
Firby28 - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
Lobby SAT-02:00

In your local time:
2023-04-22 02:00:00

Referee: CatsRc00ll
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
SlamBoy9 scoot SirHortense King Anime3 red death
FaZe Kast dizzywood3 trooper misaki lfgki
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Lobby SAT-02:20

In your local time:
2023-04-22 02:20:00

Referee: rock-on
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
Olivia Hye - - - -
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- - - - -
Lobby SAT-03:00

In your local time:
2023-04-22 03:00:00

Referee: GreenScreen410
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
AetherIT DJ Kasamiku OreoLiquid CrotN Franz2610
EssentricWolf - - - -
- - - - -
Lobby SAT-04:00

In your local time:
2023-04-22 04:00:00

Referee: -
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
Fartmonger11 lettucesounds Twinn0 Xvenn70 -
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Lobby SAT-05:00

In your local time:
2023-04-22 05:00:00

Referee: GreenScreen410
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
Millovaith Nexility Sircachetes - -
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- - - - -
Lobby SAT-06:00

In your local time:
2023-04-22 06:00:00

Referee: rock-on
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
StarLightEK Jevs juvenes - -
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- - - - -
Lobby SAT-07:00

In your local time:
2023-04-22 07:00:00

Referee: GreenScreen410
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
Phanter KritRa1 Brixn YukiTsunoda guansheng110
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Lobby SAT-08:00

In your local time:
2023-04-22 08:00:00

Referee: rock-on
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
Revv DC2 - - -
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- - - - -
Lobby SAT-09:00

In your local time:
2023-04-22 09:00:00

Referee: rock-on
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
kellySTAR StoryshiftRU - - -
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- - - - -
Lobby SAT-10:00

In your local time:
2023-04-22 10:00:00

Referee: rock-on
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
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- - - - -
Lobby SAT-11:00

In your local time:
2023-04-22 11:00:00

Referee: RedPandaBread
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
Seraphimmin Drag0n MelioQ TGX on 75 FPS Hekirekigami
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- - - - -
Lobby SAT-12:00

In your local time:
2023-04-22 12:00:00

Referee: kissu8
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
DarkPlayzQuaver SpamL had and WandrYondr swagger1
Hypecord Btf Konkawe Varteec iac9 -
- - - - -
Lobby SAT-12:20

In your local time:
2023-04-22 12:20:00

Referee: Satsukel
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
iara - - - -
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Lobby SAT-13:00

In your local time:
2023-04-22 13:00:00

Referee: GreenScreen410
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
TC I MARISA ThreeAccounts abbis WarpABoi e7leopard
TC I Flandre adler Geodash2401 yaya0616 Eazonoo
Niisan nanonbandusty liculle - -
Lobby SAT-13:20

In your local time:
2023-04-22 13:20:00

Referee: AiAe
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
fdfddf - - - -
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Lobby SAT-14:00

In your local time:
2023-04-22 14:00:00

Referee: Linlime
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
neondrakon Maulve Sky1 BltrFTW Lordkolpreal
Ww5582Man xxxbruhmanxxx PoofyTheProto Smoushy Jole
- - - - -
Lobby SAT-15:00

In your local time:
2023-04-22 15:00:00

Referee: CatsRc00ll
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
Lotex09 acc main Twistedyoyo20 Evanox x0sick
LanZazula Arlanbee 1T Chinchu rohmoohyun Rud929
KuroKenshi - - - -
Lobby SAT-15:20

In your local time:
2023-04-22 15:20:00

Referee: kissu8
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
Koshepen MORGENSHTERN abyssff - -
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- - - - -
Lobby SAT-16:00

In your local time:
2023-04-22 16:00:00

Referee: RedPandaBread
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
TekX ZnowBoi AiNa itsronhaha elsoyar
BELLI 0adiseos0 Appe - -
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Lobby SAT-16:20

In your local time:
2023-04-22 16:20:00

Referee: DeanHerbert
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
Zyrty alternative - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
Lobby SAT-17:00

In your local time:
2023-04-22 17:00:00

Referee: mikeneko asmr
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
Anas DommyMommy ASMR SmokeyJr MrMacaroni DankOne
AndresGaming230 TerraBeast789 Reily445 m a u y dar
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Lobby SAT-17:20

In your local time:
2023-04-22 17:20:00

Referee: AiAe
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
g0obr remo - - -
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- - - - -
Lobby SAT-18:00

In your local time:
2023-04-22 18:00:00

Referee: TaikoMom
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
amounYT64 Kappyyy Melone CoolDudeYes Verdon
Petra the bear MrugaczPL KGB Official I STAN ENA 4kgod
Ajplaymoble alexwave - - -
Lobby SAT-18:20

In your local time:
2023-04-22 18:20:00

Referee: kissu8
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
ShadowUzumaki ShadowGM iSxga - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
Lobby SAT-19:00

In your local time:
2023-04-22 19:00:00

Referee: Aidown
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
jakepark0325 sammeh EBE UnbutteredBagel Pyreau
Xactun TheMoonLoop MadDead - -
- - - - -
Lobby SAT-19:20

In your local time:
2023-04-22 19:20:00

Referee: Satsukel
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
samutrol20 NatSuki4546B - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
Lobby SAT-20:00

In your local time:
2023-04-22 20:00:00

Referee: TaikoMom
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
happyJTC jiqhh Nebiox A6sT -
- - - - -
- - - - -
Lobby SAT-21:00

In your local time:
2023-04-22 21:00:00

Referee: RedPandaBread
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
j0vyan Sisa JaceyPlayz Chara4KeyGamer OwOMythical
Jaggs DanXQT DeltaD03 cementchewer33 Ice law
- - - - -
Lobby SAT-22:00

In your local time:
2023-04-22 22:00:00

Referee: Darkmooshroom
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
soytontito47 My Angel Miyoi Kantalla Flameflan Nanahira Lover
DJUniverse3 idontknow1117 - - -
- - - - -
Lobby SAT-23:00

In your local time:
2023-04-22 23:00:00

Referee: Letsoof
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
Mikepet26 Lodi427 DaShwam - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
April 23 Sunday
Lobby SUN-00:00

In your local time:
2023-04-23 00:00:00

Referee: mikeneko asmr
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
ERA Jungle pepperonipeesah luxvsrg My Yamm Gods -
- - - - -
- - - - -
Lobby SUN-01:00

In your local time:
2023-04-23 01:00:00

Referee: -
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
El Tesito TG CaptainGh0sT - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
Lobby SUN-02:00

In your local time:
2023-04-23 02:00:00

Referee: -
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
AquatexZ BossPlays AbstractApple DoYouKnowIsaac BozMagic
spiffer Sanxbot Kagari201 kwplayz2 matthew90790
- - - - -
Lobby SUN-03:00

In your local time:
2023-04-23 03:00:00

Referee: -
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
Buff Duck GIMAXX CrAzY 241 Cheesy Taco Man DarkSkyler
zaia1 AntiqueLamp Disce Pakaposta Nemecists
Cuasi71 - - - -
Lobby SUN-04:00

In your local time:
2023-04-23 04:00:00

Referee: -
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
dogerman1234567 averry Sweetplum123 - -
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Lobby SUN-05:00

In your local time:
2023-04-23 05:00:00

Referee: -
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
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- - - - -
- - - - -
Lobby SUN-06:00

In your local time:
2023-04-23 06:00:00

Referee: rock-on
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
Ace5tar DangoShot666 Partial Burn - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
Lobby SUN-07:00

In your local time:
2023-04-23 07:00:00

Referee: GreenScreen410
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
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- - - - -
- - - - -
Lobby SUN-08:00

In your local time:
2023-04-23 08:00:00

Referee: rock-on
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
Letsoof Enebee - - -
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- - - - -
Lobby SUN-09:00

In your local time:
2023-04-23 09:00:00

Referee: -
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
Fred YT012345 Fieristik eMich cake 123 Satsukel
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Lobby SUN-10:00

In your local time:
2023-04-23 10:00:00

Referee: Kinomoto Sakura
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
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- - - - -
- - - - -
Lobby SUN-11:00

In your local time:
2023-04-23 11:00:00

Referee: kissu8
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
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- - - - -
Lobby SUN-12:00

In your local time:
2023-04-23 12:00:00

Referee: -
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
thesimp storn0way - - -
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Lobby SUN-13:00

In your local time:
2023-04-23 13:00:00

Referee: kissu8
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
SuddenDeath xanderman293 codename AF iFFY Zoobin4
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Lobby SUN-14:00

In your local time:
2023-04-23 14:00:00

Referee: Linlime
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
kaijuu - - - -
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Lobby SUN-15:00

In your local time:
2023-04-23 15:00:00

Referee: Aidown
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
NotSpiraling Kiraz thosring HoneyGyu Ekielaisah
- - - - -
- - - - -
Lobby SUN-16:00

In your local time:
2023-04-23 16:00:00

Referee: Satsukel
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
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- - - - -
- - - - -
Lobby SUN-17:00

In your local time:
2023-04-23 17:00:00

Referee: Linlime
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
Temmie29 kinuh - - -
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Lobby SUN-18:00

In your local time:
2023-04-23 18:00:00

Referee: kissu8
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
ERA Puzzle Desp ERA Zenith Elijah -
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Lobby SUN-19:00

In your local time:
2023-04-23 19:00:00

Referee: arpia97
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
MyAngelGanyu Lenny cL mwrofunny KaboomCake XxNewson1234xX
Geshi HugoAim - - -
- - - - -
Lobby SUN-20:00

In your local time:
2023-04-23 20:00:00

Referee: RedPandaBread
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
VanquilerYT Island Flairsurfer HowToBe2ky billabong89
Filipinjo Zutanara Cammello Haveaffald Rockvillager
- - - - -
Lobby SUN-21:00

In your local time:
2023-04-23 21:00:00

Referee: kissu8
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
welshevo GATTI SINCLAIR pokeyjojo TalkingFlash -
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Lobby SUN-22:00

In your local time:
2023-04-23 22:00:00

Referee: arpia97
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
MyAngelKokomi Sinaeb MasterSwl strawch3rry WorseAverage
InfiniThreat NotoriHere Venomsypher JustCal jake6542
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Lobby SUN-23:00

In your local time:
2023-04-23 23:00:00

Referee: mikeneko asmr
Streamer: -
Commentators: - / -
jushuu Amnesiaioi martinmauricio2 myuuu Edvo
shrekswamp - - - -
- - - - -
phonon - De Flore Sonos
Stage 1: Proximity - 10.71
Category: SV - Reading
2m 6s
145 BPM
Himeringo - Kodoku no Kakurenbo (Cut ver.)
Stage 2: Hide and Seek - 37.50
Category: RC - Stamina
2m 42s
220 BPM
Yooh - LiFE Garden
Stage 3: Perennial - 35.84
Category: RC - Light Jack
1m 55s
149 BPM
Ellie Goulding - Don't Need Nobody
Stage 4: Burn - 27.42
Category: RC - Stream
2m 26s
99 BPM
THE SHAFT - Linear Accelerator
Stage 5: Accelerate - 25.35
Category: RC - Technical
1m 57s
200 BPM
Stage 6: Eclipse vs. Lott's Ambivalent - 20.31
Category: LN - Coordination
3m 1s
177 BPM
Stage 7: Domination - 31.83
Category: LN - Density
1m 54s
195 BPM
Manabu Namiki - ]-[|/34<#!
Stage 8: |/V(=3|21V0 - 31.49
Category: HB - Technical
2m 1s
225 BPM